It's all Abi's fault.
Non-great colors, but here ya go:
(Scroll down for images.)
[18:43] Topic: Making Light remote gathering)
[18:43] guest-5476 changed nickname to jacque
[18:43] jmo: (Are you in NY/NJ by now? We're planning on going to the Jersey shore tom'w.)
[18:43] jacque: Argh. Lost chat history. Oh well.
[18:44] Topic: Making Light remote gathering)
[18:44] jacque: Okay, I think I'm back in.
[18:45] jacque: Want some more guinea pigs?
[18:45] jacque: Helloooo...?
[18:45] jmo: Sure. Youngest quite liked seeing your guinea pig.
[18:45] jacque: Who's bourbongeek? Is that Nikki?
[18:46] jacque: Una momento.
[18:48] jmo: ooh!
[18:48] jmo: aw. (from Anne)
[18:48] jacque: he's afraid
[18:48] jacque: his name is Donkey
[18:49] jmo: Donkey? (from Anne)
[18:49] jmo: I think we've just turned on our microphone. WIll try saying hello.
[18:49] terry: no audio to me
[18:49] jacque: This one's Woofie. Donkey is after the Shrek character
[18:50] terry: dark brindle?
[18:50] terry: jmo, I now see a mic symbol
[18:51] jmo: Yes, but no sound yet apparently. Anne like Woofie.
[18:51] jacque: Golden agouti is the term, I think. Woofie wants girls!
[18:52] jacque: I see a window for jmo
[18:52] jacque: Can you guys hear me? I can hear you!
[18:52] terry: yes, now that I saw all of him
[18:52] terry: I miss having guinea pigs
[18:52] jmo: is having difficulty switching between talking and listening.
[18:53] terry: jmo, do you have the mic set to Push to Talk?
[18:53] jacque: No, they're not hamsters, they're guinea pigs!
[18:53] terry: you are visible
[18:53] terry: but not audible
[18:53] jmo: This is Anne. She really likes guine pigs.
[18:53] terry: I suspect you have the mic set to Pust To Talk
[18:54] terry: audible
[18:54] jacque: This is JJ.
[18:54] jmo: okay, there's a delay of a few secs between talking and hearing others.
[18:54] jacque: I can hear jmo. Can you hear me?
[18:55] jacque: His name is JJ
[18:55] jacque: Now it's Yeti's turn.
[18:55] jmo: well, we need to get these guys to bed. But Anne's really happy she got to see them.
[18:55] jmo: (turning off cam temporarily)
[18:56] guest-5609 entered the room
[18:57] jacque: Wait! There's ten more! (Audience runs for the hills)
[18:58] terry: I'm here
[18:59] Topic: Making Light remote gathering)
[19:00] jmo: can see and sometimes here jacque
[19:00] guest-5645 entered the room
[19:00] jacque: Woops. Just missed Yeti.
[19:00] guest-5645 changed nickname to nicolejleboeuf
[19:00] terry: Hey Nicole
[19:00] jacque: It's Nikki!!
[19:01] terry: Nicole, you are probably on Push To Talk
[19:01] jmo: Hello!
[19:01] jacque: Can't here Nikki yet.
[19:01] jacque: There you go!
[19:03] nicolejleboeuf: Hello Terry!
[19:03] terry: in and out
[19:03] terry: playing Wii Golf with my dad
[19:04] jacque: I'm pretty sure Terry can see us; don't know if he can hear us.
[19:04] terry: I can hear
[19:04] terry: gah... no
[19:04] terry: it looks silly
[19:05] terry: I could, I suppose aim the camera at the screen
[19:05] terry: Yes, I play RB too
[19:05] jacque: QUANTIZED...VIDEO...FEEDBACK. (obscure reference)
[19:06] terry: If I had the camera on you'd hear us swearing at the machine
[19:07] jmo: we should all have ordered nan simultaneously or something.
[19:07] terry: It's so frustrating that I am in Tenn; because everyone's coming to see abi and Serge
[19:08] nicolejleboeuf: ditto that
[19:08] terry: Yeah, but I Live there
[19:09] terry: I missed the last Nicole
[19:09] jacque: Say what you said again
[19:09] terry: yep...
[19:09] jmo: Who is bourbongeek? Are they still on?
[19:10] terry: I'm a bourbon geek, but 'm drinking Pislner Urquell
[19:11] jacque: Marc Eric just flagged me on Skype
[19:11] guest-5749 entered the room
[19:12] guest-5749 changed nickname to lee
[19:12] terry: I've just upped the volume, so I can hear when I'm away
[19:12] jmo: Terry's noted our presence on the ML "silver salver" thread.
[19:12] terry: Hey Lee
[19:12] jmo: Hello Lee!
[19:12] nicolejleboeuf: Hi Lee! Can you hear us all? :-)
[19:12] lee: I'm text-only, I'm afraid. But hi!
[19:12] jmo: I have skype too, if that's better for multi-chat.
[19:13] lee: I don't have skype. I'm not used to chat either, so please bear with me.
[19:14] nicolejleboeuf: No worries!
[19:14] nicolejleboeuf: Good to "see" you
[19:14] jacque: We'll keep the tinychat going--probably wind up running both
[19:14] lee: I can see those of you with webcams, and hear voices.
[19:14] guest-5775 entered the room
[19:14] jmo: Firing up Skype: Name: John Mark Ockerbloom.
[19:14] terry: The cam doesn't
[19:14] guest-5775 changed nickname to mark
[19:14] jacque: jmo look for Mark Eric on Skype
[19:14] terry: but I had to remove the skype ext for FF, because it causes instabilities
[19:15] jacque: mark, is that marc eric
[19:15] jacque: I've never had great experiences with FF
[19:15] jmo: assumes he can only run audio-visial on one app at a time.
[19:15] mark: Yep, that's me
[19:15] nicolejleboeuf: Hi Mark!
[19:15] jacque: So if I can see you in two applications, does that mean there are twice as many of you?
[19:15] mark: I'm not running a skype call, so not sure how to kick in here.
[19:15] jmo: " I see everything twice1" -- Yossarian
[19:15] nicolejleboeuf: "Why have you multiplied?"
[19:15] lee: *giggle*
[19:16] mark: Do you have to be signed in through a Service to be on video?
[19:17] jmo: Anyone here yet from the Bay are gathering?
[19:17] nicolejleboeuf: I'm not sure - I got a prompt to make sure my webcam and mike were working when I logged i
[19:17] nicolejleboeuf: into the chat.
[19:18] jacque: Can mark hear yet?
[19:18] lee: Really! Do you sing, Mark?
[19:18] jacque: I am speaking, canyou hear me
[19:18] terry: Mark... you have some carrier wave. I think your pickup needs to come down some
[19:18] nicolejleboeuf: Yay!@ Singers!
[19:18] terry: Ah...
[19:18] jacque: Singers, gracie?
[19:19] terry: I hear overlap
[19:19] lee: Handbells would work...
[19:20] nicolejleboeuf: ...or wine glasses
[19:20] jacque: Who's overlapping whom, and is it legal?
[19:20] jmo: dunno.... which jurisdiction would apply?
[19:20] terry: in Calif,. it's legal
[19:21] lee: If you do dyework, is that Stain worship?
[19:21] jmo: if you prescribe cholesterol drugs, is that statin worship?
[19:22] nicolejleboeuf: I have some fabulous friends who could teach me something about Deva Worship
[19:22] guest-5874 entered the room
[19:23] nicolejleboeuf: Hello guest-5874! :-)
[19:23] guest-5874 changed nickname to absentmindedperfesser(xopher)
[19:23] terry: he has great ceilings
[19:24] absentmindedperfesser(xopher): I have no camera. This is Xopher.
[19:24] jacque: Helps if you call the right restaurant
[19:24] nicolejleboeuf: So did you order your naan, Jacque?
[19:24] lee: Hi, Xopher!
[19:24] jmo: Hello, Xopher!
[19:25] nicolejleboeuf: Hi!
[19:25] absentmindedperfesser(xopher): Hi Lee & JMO.
[19:25] absentmindedperfesser(xopher): Hi Nicole.
[19:25] absentmindedperfesser(xopher): I can see and hear four people.
[19:25] jacque: Can Xopher hear? Can he see?
[19:25] nicolejleboeuf: I would not have realized absentminded perfesser was Xopher without help
[19:25] lee: Me either.
[19:25] jacque: No, but Serge is there. Computer is not yet.
[19:27] absentmindedperfesser(xopher): No, how could you? This is what comes of my using my MySpace account.
[19:27] lee: *makes sign against evil* MYSpace???
[19:27] nicolejleboeuf: You has a distress?
[19:28] absentmindedperfesser(xopher): I admit it. MySpace. It was the first one that came up.
[19:29] terry: the fan noise
[19:29] nicolejleboeuf: Ah
[19:29] lee: I didn't have any luck trying to sign on via Facebook.
[19:29] nicolejleboeuf: I used Twitter
[19:29] jmo: could have used Twitter, but wasn't sure if it would ask for password.
[19:29] terry: I used gueset
[19:29] jacque: Yes, but the noise of which fan. We have several to choose from.
[19:29] absentmindedperfesser(xopher): I hardly ever log into it, I swear.
[19:29] terry: I refuse to let outisde apps poll my facebook
[19:29] nicolejleboeuf: Me too
[19:29] nicolejleboeuf: I am scared of linking ANYTHING to Facebook
[19:29] jacque: I don't have a FB account.
[19:29] jacque: FB EVIL.
[19:30] terry: once one has one, it's forever
[19:30] nicolejleboeuf: It helps to hide all apps
[19:30] lee: Yeah, I think that was the problem. Every time I refused to let it update my FB status,
[19:30] lee: it bounced me.
[19:30] jacque: BF bounded lee?
[19:30] jacque: Buh. FB bounced lee?
[19:30] nicolejleboeuf: BF / FB ...
[19:30] nicolejleboeuf: I figured. :-)
[19:31] jacque: Still embarrassing.
[19:31] nicolejleboeuf: And now we know when tinychat breaks into two rows
[19:31] lee: No, Tinychat bounced me when I wouldn't let it update my status.
[19:31] jmo: Do we need to go to walkie-talk "over" protocol?
[19:31] jacque: Lee, can you log into tinychat as a guest and forget FB?
[19:31] terry: I'll be up and down
[19:31] jacque: Terry has books too!
[19:31] lee: That's what I ended up doing.
[19:31] terry: playing another round
[19:32] jacque: Unfortunately, the screen reflection on glasses means can't see eyes.
[19:32] terry: Wii golf
[19:32] jacque: jmo I see you, but now you can't see.
[19:33] jacque: Spray some hairspray on your lenses?
[19:33] lee: Not.
[19:33] jacque: Seriously: old movie maker's tricks
[19:33] jacque: Oh, lee. you're no fun.
[19:34] lee: Not when it's MY glasses we're talking about! :-)
[19:34] jacque: You just need a good ultrasonic cleanr
[19:34] jacque: cleaner
[19:34] nicolejleboeuf: Until you are on camera, Lee, that remains entirely academic
[19:34] jacque: True.
[19:34] lee: Good point.
[19:34] mark: kleenr
[19:34] jacque: Yes.
[19:34] nicolejleboeuf: For now we will just have to imagine your glasses...
[19:35] lee: How does it decide who gets green text and who gets brown?
[19:35] terry: a hole at St. Andrews
[19:35] terry: it was ok
[19:35] terry: oh, have to putt
[19:35] terry: yes
[19:35] mark: You were being an a-hole at St Andrews?
[19:35] lee: BWA
[19:36] terry: St Andrews was being an asshole to me
[19:36] jmo: SO this isn't the regular Wii sports golf? I don't get St Andrews on mine.
[19:36] terry: We're doing a randome 18
[19:36] terry: eating
[19:36] terry: and drinking
[19:36] terry: and having a goodtime without us
[19:36] jacque: And merry of the making
[19:36] nicolejleboeuf: bastids
[19:36] jacque: Correct misspelling: bastits
[19:36] nicolejleboeuf: I think that's dialectal
[19:37] lee: Russ waves.
[19:37] jacque: ten. 9 to share the experience
[19:37] nicolejleboeuf: that'll work
[19:37] nicolejleboeuf: /me waves back
[19:37] jacque: A la "watering plants"
[19:37] terry: Bastiches
[19:37] terry: Is he buried?
[19:38] terry: I'll see him on Monday, I think
[19:38] nicolejleboeuf: he may have fallen in a hole
[19:38] guest-6081 entered the room
[19:38] nicolejleboeuf: (for those not on sound chat: Jacque has gone to attempt to dig up John Singer)
[19:38] nicolejleboeuf: Another mystery guest arrives!
![]() The Guilty |
[19:39] guest-6081 changed nickname to kathrynsunnyval
[19:39] nicolejleboeuf: Hallo!
[19:39] kathrynsunnyval: Hello from Breads of India!
[19:39] lee: Hi, Kathryn!
[19:39] jmo: Hello! We have connection with the mothership!
[19:39] nicolejleboeuf: YAY!!!!
[19:41] mark: Who's in attendance at Breads of India?
[19:41] nicolejleboeuf: Role call!
[19:41] absentmindedperfesser(xopher): Yay Kathryn! I'm Xopher.
[19:41] nicolejleboeuf: Er, Roll call?
[19:41] mark: Mouseketeer Roll Call!
[19:41] absentmindedperfesser(xopher): Top!
[19:41] absentmindedperfesser(xopher): Oops.
[19:41] jmo: wow! You all came in like a transporter beamup.
[19:41] nicolejleboeuf: Yer lips are moving but yer voice is all silent-like
[19:42] absentmindedperfesser(xopher): Xopher.
[19:42] nicolejleboeuf: Push to talk!
[19:42] jmo: Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying.
[19:42] jmo: And I'm not even comfrotably numb.
[19:42] terry: Is that B. Durbin
[19:42] nicolejleboeuf: We're missing the hellos because there is no sound! :-(
[19:42] nicolejleboeuf: But I recognize most of y'all
[19:42] terry: They ned to PTT
[19:43] jmo: is going off to greet returning spouse.
[19:43] jacque: Jon Singer sez hi!
[19:43] nicolejleboeuf: Oh Does He Now!
[19:43] absentmindedperfesser(xopher): Hello, returning spouse of JMO!
[19:43] jacque: He's throwing test tiles. Because he's out of test tiles.
[19:43] absentmindedperfesser(xopher): Hi, Jon Singer.
[19:43] lee: I just called KeithS. He's eating dinner but may join us in a bit.
[19:43] jacque: Hi everybodyattherestaurant!!!
[19:43] absentmindedperfesser(xopher): Kathryn, we can't hear anything.
[19:43] nicolejleboeuf: Hello at the restaurant!
[19:44] jacque: I'm going to email Jon the tinychat URL
[19:44] jacque: Still no sound from the restaurant
[19:44] absentmindedperfesser(xopher): Hello restaurant people!
[19:44] jacque: May be too noisy for them to transmit.
[19:44] nicolejleboeuf: I think no one is pushing the Talk button
[19:44] jacque: Did we establish that Xopher can see and hear?
[19:44] nicolejleboeuf: So Xopher said
[19:45] jacque: Is that Kathryn?
[19:45] mark: Yes, X can see and hear but not be heard or seen. He's godlike that way.
[19:45] jacque: Hi person behind jmo
[19:45] jmo: this is mary. she works for literatec.. erc, wordnik. It's great fun.
[19:45] nicolejleboeuf: YES!!!!
[19:45] lee: Yes!
[19:46] absentmindedperfesser(xopher): I can see and hear, but I have no camera or mic, so I can't display or talk.
[19:46] absentmindedperfesser(xopher): Just as well, really.
[19:46] lee: Oh, Xopher, hush. You're cute.
[19:46] nicolejleboeuf: Under the microphone icon, "Unmute microphone"
[19:46] jacque: But he probably woudn't have his wig.
[19:46] jacque: Or abi's wig.
[19:46] nicolejleboeuf: Sound is a go!
[19:46] nicolejleboeuf: yes!
[19:46] jacque: We can hear you!
[19:47] jacque: We can hear restaurant.
[19:47] jacque: We want naan
[19:47] jacque: Wrong restaurant
[19:47] jacque: :-(
[19:47] jmo: naaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnn.....
[19:47] terry: no, the abbey is with you
[19:47] nicolejleboeuf: non-naan
[19:47] jacque: How do you do naan without a tandoori oven?
[19:47] terry: so no nuns for us
[19:47] nicolejleboeuf: you cheat
[19:47] nicolejleboeuf: iron skillet, stove, broiler
[19:47] terry: I use a dutch oven in a gas oven
[19:47] jacque: Ya know... we could BUILD a tandoori oven... mwa ha ha
[19:48] absentmindedperfesser(xopher): Yes mark, I'm the Mysterious One.
[19:48] jacque: No, not dutch! Tandoori!!!
[19:48] nicolejleboeuf: bwh
[19:48] terry: Tandoori is a ditch oven
[19:48] nicolejleboeuf: bwah
[19:48] mark: That's a poori excuse
[19:48] lee: A Romertopf is effectively the same as a tandoor, I think
[19:50] nicolejleboeuf: Sadly, I can only really make out whover's speaking closest to the computer (at the restau
[19:50] jacque: Singer has been emailed
[19:50] absentmindedperfesser(xopher): You went to a no-naan nommery?
[19:50] nicolejleboeuf: that sounds non-ideal
[19:50] jacque: XOPHer!!
[19:50] jmo: hey nan-y nan-y
[19:50] jacque: So do we know who's at the restaurant? I think I see Serge.
![]() Sir Serge |
[19:50] mark: Get thee to a nommery!
[19:50] jacque: Tell the nice restaurant man thanks from Jacque
[19:50] nicolejleboeuf: they went around the table while you were on the phone I think
[19:51] jacque: Can't hear you
[19:51] jacque: Ann bar
[19:51] jacque: Serge
[19:51] jacque: Abi!!!!
[19:51] nicolejleboeuf: Hi abi!
[19:51] jmo: abi!
[19:51] jacque: Who?
[19:51] jacque: Who??
[19:51] nicolejleboeuf: Hi B D and baby!
[19:51] jacque: Name?
[19:51] terry: Bernatte
[19:51] jmo: we just look exactly like the previous set
[19:51] jacque: Names!?
[19:52] terry: they aren't reading
[19:52] jacque: We can hear!!!
[19:52] jacque: Tim Walters
[19:52] jacque: Charles
[19:52] jacque: Mary jean sp?
[19:52] jacque: jhWood(sp?)
[19:52] jacque: Teresa?
[19:52] terry: Hey Teresa!
[19:52] jacque: Brook
[19:52] terry: Hey Brooks
[19:52] jacque: Brooks
[19:53] jacque: Kevin Reid
[19:53] lee: Ah, that would be jhwoodyatt.
[19:53] jacque: Thank you
[19:53] nicolejleboeuf: Hello everyone!
[19:53] jacque: Kathryn!!
[19:53] jacque: Oh boy! Let's get a cord and trip waiters!!
[19:54] absentmindedperfesser(xopher): Yay! It's Abi!
[19:54] absentmindedperfesser(xopher): <-Xopher
[19:54] jacque: Terry is terribly bent out of shape that abi's there and He's Not.
[19:55] terry: I could say it's jealousy that when she shows up, everyone comes to see her
[19:55] lee: Blackberries are always good.
[19:55] terry: but it's really that I can't be ther
[19:55] terry: Raspberries are better
[19:55] jacque: Pretty!!
[19:55] lee: Ooh, pretty!
[19:55] nicolejleboeuf: Nice!
[19:55] jacque: vowels?
[19:55] jacque: I think we're ordering.
[19:56] nicolejleboeuf: Excellent, someone ought to
[19:56] jacque: I'll take the chicken tikka masala
[19:56] mark: Vindaloo, definitely
[19:56] lee: I'll live dangerously -- vindaloo.
[19:56] jacque: AK! Danger!
[19:56] jmo: wonders how the guinea pigs would like the charm.
[19:56] jacque: They would probably think it eats them.
[19:56] terry: Rogan Josh for me
[19:56] jacque: Things that jingle eat guinea pigs.
[19:57] jacque: Smile!!
[19:57] mark: I got vowels that jingle jangle jingle....
[19:57] terry: I don't jingle
[19:57] terry: hrm.... Cavy Vindaloo?
[19:57] lee: Ew!
[19:57] jacque: DOWN, BOY.
[19:58] terry: hee
[19:58] guest-6448 entered the room
[19:58] nicolejleboeuf: Hi guest-6448!
[19:58] guest-6448 changed nickname to keiths
[19:58] jacque: keiths!! Hi!!!
[19:58] nicolejleboeuf: Yay! Hi Keith!
[19:58] keiths: Hello, there.
[19:58] lee: Hi, Keith!
[19:58] nicolejleboeuf: It's plural Keith!
[19:58] jacque: We're ordering. What will you have?
[19:58] keiths: I really hope there's only one of me.
[19:58] jmo: hello keiths!
[19:58] nicolejleboeuf: digital naan and malai kafta?
[19:59] jacque: He's like water. The plural is water
[19:59] jmo: Chicken korma for me, please.
[19:59] jacque: No, this is the chat. We don't have a voicewriter online yet.
[19:59] nicolejleboeuf: Boy, wouldn't THAT be convenient!
[19:59] jacque: Chatting keeps the background noise down.
[20:00] jacque: And makes us all look so thoughtful and studious.
[20:00] kathrynsunnyval: have wea ll decided what we'll eat?
[20:00] lee: I can hear somebdy type. I think it's either Nicole or Jacque.
[20:00] jacque: Say again, Nikki
[20:00] nicolejleboeuf: I see menus still in hand - looks like everyone is still ordering
[20:00] jacque: Typing sound is usually jmo, but might be me
[20:00] nicolejleboeuf: (or me)
[20:01] jacque: Hi, waiter, from Colorado!
[20:01] kathrynsunnyval: we need a sarcastic sonnet
[20:01] mark: sneezing sound is me
[20:02] absentmindedperfesser(xopher): Who is that next to Serge?
[20:02] jacque: Hi, waiter!
[20:02] nicolejleboeuf: Which side?
[20:02] nicolejleboeuf: One side is abi
[20:02] jmo: hello, waiter!
[20:02] jacque: There goes terry!
[20:02] jacque: How cool!!!!
[20:03] absentmindedperfesser(xopher): I've discovered that I love Indian food...from my neck up. The rest of me appears to...
[20:03] absentmindedperfesser(xopher): it rather less.
[20:03] nicolejleboeuf: I will be right back - going to say hi to the Oregon gang that John is chatting with
[20:03] jacque: Except that having the computer pointed into the air confuses the audio pickup.
[20:03] jacque: Hi Oregon!
[20:04] lee: Where are you now, Terry?
[20:04] terry: I won that round
[20:04] absentmindedperfesser(xopher): Where'd Terry go?
[20:04] jacque: He's not saying.
[20:04] terry: Oak Ridge, Tenn
[20:04] absentmindedperfesser(xopher): Oh, there you are.
[20:04] jmo: hello oregon from PA, NJ, TN, CA et al, via CO.
[20:04] nicolejleboeuf: baaaack!
[20:04] lee: And TX.
[20:04] jacque: Has anyone notice? The Future is officiall Here.
[20:04] nicolejleboeuf: (my husband is RPGing with friends from Oregon. We have good bandwith)
[20:04] terry: Xopher, I was playing Wii Golf with my Dad
[20:04] nicolejleboeuf: (^bandwidth)
[20:05] nicolejleboeuf: Jacque's right!
[20:05] jmo: who needs a jetpack?
[20:05] jacque: better than band without.
[20:05] terry: We all do
[20:05] keiths: I think I'd like my flying car, if this is the future.
[20:05] jacque: Who dat, Terry?
[20:05] lee: Flying car, hell. I want transporters -- or stepping disks!
[20:05] terry: My the middle sister of my youngest cohort of Half-Sibs
[20:05] nicolejleboeuf: /me waves at other person in Terry's part of the screen
[20:05] keiths: I can do without the slidewalks, though.
[20:05] jacque: Wow that sounds complicated
[20:05] keiths: Except at airports.
[20:05] terry: It's not
[20:05] terry: from the inside
[20:06] nicolejleboeuf: "Caution. Moving walk is nearing its end. Please watch your step"
[20:06] terry: I am ehte eldest of 7
[20:06] terry: one full, two halves, three halves
[20:06] terry: But I like insects
[20:06] jacque: OOO FOOD
[20:06] nicolejleboeuf: /me makes a grab for the naan
[20:06] jacque: Papadom, thank you!
[20:06] terry: na'an of that food stuff here
[20:07] absentmindedperfesser(xopher): Don't all radioactivated, Terry!
[20:07] absentmindedperfesser(xopher): Ah. No wonder you won.
[20:07] nicolejleboeuf: No food for us? It's like we're naanentities!
[20:07] lee: Won ton?
[20:07] terry: Won Ton Tomato?
[20:07] nicolejleboeuf: You load six won tons, and waddaya get...
[20:07] jacque: Next time, I'm getting takeout before this starts...
[20:07] jmo: if anything manages to wander between screens, it'll be the guinea pigs first
[20:07] mark: That's a poori way to treat a friend.
[20:07] absentmindedperfesser(xopher): Hi K from S!
[20:07] terry: I saag in shame
[20:07] jacque: Guineas only interested if it's green.
[20:07] absentmindedperfesser(xopher): Who's the woman next to you?
[20:07] mark: Being all aloo-f like that..
[20:07] absentmindedperfesser(xopher): The one who just got up?
[20:07] terry: next to whom?
[20:08] absentmindedperfesser(xopher): She's familiar.
[20:08] terry: Whose familar is she?
[Missing 10 minutes, sorry!! --Jacque]
[20:18] lee: Yeah, that's how I see them.
[20:18] terry: from bottom left
[20:18] pendrift: kathryn, mark, nicole, jacque, terry, jmo, me, carol
[20:18] keiths: TL to BR: kathryn, mark, nicole, jacque, terry, jmo, pendrift, carol.
[20:18] jmo: wonders about possibilities in mult0window artistic arrangement.
[20:18] jacque: Restaurant: Kathryn, Ann Barr, Serve, Abi...?
[20:18] terry: me, SF Crowd, Pendrift, carole
[20:18] nicolejleboeuf: Now we just need to fit that into the Mousekateers song
[20:18] xopher: JMO I don't think so. Not i the same order on mine.
[20:18] mark: Nicole-Jacque-JMO-me/Terry-Kathryn-Pendrift-Carol
[20:18] jacque: I took a screencap for posterity.
[20:18] jmo: okay, it's different on different people's screens. oh well.
[20:19] terry: No, not the mouseketeers: we should do it to the Ballad of Roger Young
[20:19] mark: The ways of the tinychat are mysteeeeeerious
[20:19] xopher: I have carolwitt, pendrift, restaurant, mark, nicold, jacque, terry, jmo.
[20:19] nicolejleboeuf: mark with the choreography
[20:19] jacque: There's some sort of lovely music could be made from this weird audio.
[20:19] xopher: From top left, across and across.
[20:20] xopher: Which would probably come out as James Joyce.
[20:20] jacque: Kathryn: is that abi to Serge's left?
[20:20] lee: Heh.
[20:20] nicolejleboeuf: Yes
[20:20] mark: steak steak steak steak steak
[20:20] xopher: (sings) It moves in mysterious ways!
[20:20] mark: (writing like ian Fleming)
[20:20] lee: chicken chicken chicken chicken chickeh
[20:21] lee: Which is what I had for dinner.
[20:21] jacque: tabouleh tabouleh tabouleh
[20:21] keiths: Stick a low-pass filter on it and maybe it'll sound like that Jupiter music I heard.
[20:21] terry: I had salad for breakfast/lunch
[20:21] terry: and cheese and chips and beer is my supper
[20:21] jacque: Oohh, jupiter music? Online anywhere?
[20:21] pendrift: I don't even remember what I ate
[20:21] nicolejleboeuf: Beans in the crockpot, and kohlrabi and chard for when they're done
[20:21] keiths: Let me go digging through youtube. One sec.
[20:21] jmo: lassi lassi lassi lassi lassi
[20:22] mark: Pita and hummus, and some fruit salad. Hours ago.
[20:22] pendrift: rice rice rice rice rice
[20:22] jmo: (sounds like Roddy McDowall)
[20:22] nicolejleboeuf: (speaknig of weird spacy music,
[20:22] mark: Lassi? Where's Timmy, girl?
[20:22] lee: Mmmm, hummus...
[20:22] nicolejleboeuf: jmo - didn't he do a voice on Freakazoid?
[20:22] pendrift: How many people are at Breads of India?
[20:22] keiths: Jupiter Sings:
[20:23] xopher: Salad salad salad.
[20:23] nicolejleboeuf: clicked and VERY QUICKLY muted
[20:23] lee: Hear Jupiter sing, tour Saturn's rings, when will space be open for me?
[20:23] jmo: nicole: dunno, but he was in planet of the apes as well as Lassie
[20:23] jacque: Going to listen to Jupiter. Be back in a sec.
[20:23] xopher: Wow, diet food, Terry. No wonder you're so thin.
[20:23] nicolejleboeuf: goin to jupitr brb (lol)
[20:23] xopher: (Is terribly jealous of Terry's metabolism.)
[20:23] nicolejleboeuf: We lost a jacque!
[20:23] mark: She went to Jupiter
[20:24] terry: was a chicken ceaser
[20:24] xopher: Lassi Come Home!
[20:24] jmo: terry just leapt up to the top row!
[20:24] nicolejleboeuf: Oh, right
[20:24] terry: I've been undereating
[20:24] Topic: Making Light remote gathering)
[20:24] mark: See, there she is. With drops of Jupiter in her hair.
[20:24] jacque: Argh. I tried to mute the sound, but muted broadcast instead.
[20:24] nicolejleboeuf: Oh, so tinychat remembers the previous order - jacque jumped back to top left
[20:24] jacque: Abi!!!!
[20:24] terry: I know because last night I clobbered a pint of Cherry Garcia, without any trouble
[20:24] jacque: Hi kieth!
[20:24] jacque: Hi kevin
[20:24] jacque: Hi serge
[20:24] xopher: Lassi is an aspect of Collie-Durga.
[20:24] jacque: Serge
[20:24] pendrift: interesting! never actually used tinychat before
[20:24] nicolejleboeuf: Hi Serge
[20:25] nicolejleboeuf: Hi abi!
[20:25] jacque: abi!
[20:25] nicolejleboeuf: Hi DB
[20:25] keiths: What do the restaurant staff think of all this?
[20:25] nicolejleboeuf: BD
[20:25] jmo: hello, abi and friends!
[20:25] lee: @xopher -- 8888888888888888888
[20:25] jacque: Names!!!!
[20:25] carolwitt: Nice hat!
[20:25] terry: NAMES
[20:25] pendrift: hey everyone!! who's who?
[20:25] terry: though I know many of them
[20:25] guest-6901 entered the room
[20:25] guest-6901 changed nickname to bourbongeek
[20:25] jacque: Betty Jo.
[20:26] jacque: DPotter!!
[20:26] jacque: Baby B Durbin
[20:26] xopher: Lee, you promise not to attempt any landings on Europa?
[20:26] terry: Yes, he is
[20:26] jacque: Who?
[20:26] jacque: We're not saying anything.
[20:26] jacque: We can hear you.
[20:26] xopher: I guess she Jacqued out.
[20:26] nicolejleboeuf: We're being quiet so we can hear you!
[20:26] nicolejleboeuf: Hi chiken tikka!
[20:26] jacque: Xopher not local. Xopher lucky.
[20:26] pendrift: we're just trying to stay awake. at least some of us are.
[20:27] jacque: Don't get dahl on Kathryn's keyboard!
[20:27] jacque: ACK A HAND!!!
[20:27] terry: Ah... one can adjust each mic
[20:27] nicolejleboeuf: DON'T LLET IT GET ME!
[20:28] guest-6949 entered the room
[20:28] guest-6949 changed nickname to keiths
[20:28] keiths: I love Flash so much.
[20:28] jmo: whoa
[20:28] jacque: Hi again KiethS!
[20:28] jacque: We're losing mark
[20:28] pendrift: someone ate the fluorosphere!
[20:28] keiths: Everyone's in a different order! How will I know who everyone is?
[20:28] terry: Growing Luminous, by eating light?
[20:28] xopher: Lee, that's some other Xopher, not me.
[20:29] lee: Ah. I did wonder.
[20:29] guest-6979 entered the room
[20:29] pendrift: what black hole sucked them away?
[20:29] nicolejleboeuf: The restaurant is outta juice... maybe
[20:29] jacque: I'm almost tempted to call in a silly credit card order to the restaurant.
[20:29] guest-6982 entered the room
[20:29] nicolejleboeuf: Kathryn was talking about not having anywhere to plug in.
[20:29] guest-6982 changed nickname to kathrynsunnyval
[20:29] nicolejleboeuf: Hi!
[20:29] jacque: Hi kathryn!!
[20:30] jmo: California's been cut off.
[20:30] nicolejleboeuf: (Running away for a moment)
[20:30] xopher: Yes, I'm here. I don't have a camera or a microphone.
[20:30] kathrynsunnyval: back. moved to where we can charge the laptop for a bit...
[20:30] pendrift: hi kathryn!!
[20:30] mark: Jacque, I taught a class until 10 last night, slept really badly...
[20:30] jmo: hello!
[20:30] mark: and was on my feet lecturing again at 8 this morning. Then epic car fail on the way home.
[20:30] jacque: I'd offer a guinea pig to stuff down your shirt, but they don't transmit well.
[20:30] jmo: there are usually plugs in the rest rooms, but that might make for an even weirder chat
[20:30] lee: Ouch -- not a good day!
[20:30] jacque: And more echoes!!
[20:30] terry: I took a ride... Tenn dirivers are careless of motorcycles, at least on secondary roads
[20:31] pendrift: a memorable one!
[20:31] xopher: /me is glad he's not in Jacque's swatting range.
[20:31] lee: TN drivers all tailgate like whoa.
[20:31] xopher: Hello KeithS
[20:31] lee: So did I, when I was living there.
[20:31] keiths: Worse than LA?
[20:31] terry: They think the pasing lane is for driving
[20:31] terry: Much
[20:31] keiths: Hello, Xopher.
[20:31] lee: LOTS worse. Now it freaks me out when I go back.
[20:31] xopher: I think Mark dozeth off.
[20:31] jacque: Mark, be happy you're not Null.
[20:31] terry: LA is, from a nations worth of driving, possessed of pretty good drivers
[20:32] keiths: That's a scary thought.
[20:32] nicolejleboeuf: We're all happy we're not Null. except Null.
[20:32] terry: there was a study done on rain
[20:32] nicolejleboeuf: Null is happy he's Null, by all appearances
[20:32] nicolejleboeuf: [/aflak voice]
[20:32] xopher: Space is always a problem at Indian restaurants.
[20:32] mark: Could be worse, could be Zathras
[20:32] terry: LA, SF, Boston, Chicago, Seattle, New York
[20:32] xopher: All those breads and condiments.
[20:32] jacque: Boulder, in the fall.
[20:32] terry: that was the order of safety in the rain
[20:32] jmo: Space... the final frontier...
[20:32] jacque: When the students come back.
[20:32] xopher: Hi Kathryn!
[20:32] nicolejleboeuf: Just avoid the Hill and we'll all be fine
[20:33] jacque: Uh, tried to cross 30th lately?
[20:33] nicolejleboeuf: Oh, that's just construction season...
[20:33] jacque: We're probably consigned to the bathroom until we get battery charged
[20:33] lee: As in, winter and construction?
[20:33] nicolejleboeuf: Yah, something like that
[20:33] nicolejleboeuf: (brb)
[20:33] jacque: No. Boulder has great weather. Construction all year.
[20:33] xopher: Wow, Mark, glad to see you at all.
[20:33] mark: Road Repair and Snow Removal
[20:34] guest-7079 entered the room
[20:34] guest-7079 changed nickname to keiths
[20:34] lee: That sounds like Detroit.
[20:34] jacque: KeithS back AGAIN.
[20:34] mark: Except around here it's more Snow Repair and Road Removal.
[20:34] keiths: I'm going to give up on trying to have this thing figure out my webcam. Flash is... unhap
[20:34] keiths: unhappy*
[20:34] xopher: KITTEH!!!!!!!!
[20:34] jacque: Is that like SQUIRREL!
[20:34] xopher: You has a KITTEH!!!!
[20:34] jacque: Who?
[20:34] pendrift: where's the kitteh?!
[20:35] jacque: Time for another pig
[20:35] lee: I have a kitteh behind me.
[20:35] keiths: Aww... kitty.
[20:35] jmo: kittty.... guinea....
[20:35] lee: Pretty kitties!
[20:35] xopher: Nicole, she said she had to charge the laptop.
[20:36] pendrift: why should i be the only one to wake up at this hour?
[20:36] nicolejleboeuf: ah
[20:36] pendrift: is that what guinea pigs sound like?!
[20:36] xopher: Oh, is THAT what that dripping noise is?!?!?!
[20:36] xopher: LOL
[20:36] xopher: The tribulations of KeithS.
[20:37] xopher: What were you all just laughing at?
[20:37] keiths: Oh well. So you don't get to see me. Blame Adobe.
[20:37] xopher: You all laughed at the same time, but the chat is wayy behind.
[20:37] nicolejleboeuf: Xopher, I think you must be about 2 minutes lagged. Or something...
[20:37] nicolejleboeuf: I'm having trouble connecting the dots.
[20:37] xopher: I have to get a damned camera, clearly.
[20:37] lee: Too bad. You and Terry could have had a longest-hair contest.
[20:37] pendrift: haha
[20:37] pendrift: xopher would need abi's help there, though
[20:38] dawno: aww that's an adorable guina pig, jaque :-)
[20:38] xopher: A PIGGEH!
[20:38] xopher: A GINNEH PIGGEH!!!
[20:38] guest-7185 entered the room
[20:38] nicolejleboeuf: Null just howled. I think he's feeling existential
[20:38] jacque: That's good. I'm so stealing that!!
[20:39] mark: Xopher, tell us what time you see this line. It's 22:38 my time.
[20:39] carolwitt: Ah, lag. Reminds me of #callahans.on IRC.
[20:39] lee: Usenet was just as bad.
[20:39] keiths: What's the appropriate sacrifice to the lag monster again?
[20:39] xopher: I'd lose without abi's help.
[20:39] jmo: True... #callahans might lag minutes, alt.callahans could lag days
[20:39] pendrift: As long as it's not a cat, I'm good
[20:39] carolwitt: It's been so long, I don't remember.
[20:40] guest-7185 changed nickname to kathrynsunnyval
[20:40] xopher: I lose against *JMO*, never mind Terry!
[20:40] nicolejleboeuf: Looks like about 2 minutes, between the hair contest line and the "with abi's help" respon
[20:40] nicolejleboeuf: wb kathryn
[20:40] kathrynsunnyval: Sorry...we lost connection there
[20:40] kathrynsunnyval: This is Abi here
[20:40] nicolejleboeuf: Hi abi!
[20:40] xopher: Mark, 22:40. So yeah.
[20:40] jacque: Hi abi!!
[20:40] keiths: Hi Abi!
[20:40] jmo: hi abi!
[20:40] pendrift: Hi abi!!
[20:40] carolwitt: Hi abi!
[20:41] lee: Hi, Abi!
[20:41] kathrynsunnyval: Thought I'd stop by and say I need to figure out how to put the picture back on
[20:41] mark: FWIW, X, I saw your reply pretty much immediately.
[20:41] jacque: Ah! We've achieved transcription! Echo is now appearing in text!
[20:41] nicolejleboeuf: We were wondering if you'd go plug in in the restroom or something
[20:41] keiths: The little picture that looks like a target up next to the microphone and gear pictures.
[20:41] nicolejleboeuf: it sounded like a tight squeeze
[20:41] jacque: Abi, can you see yourself?
[20:41] keiths: I think it's supposed to look like a camera.
[20:41] xopher: Sigh. So that means even if I make a joke good enough to laugh at I'll never know.
[20:42] xopher: Hi Abi!
[20:42] nicolejleboeuf: Like a webcamera lens
[20:42] xopher: Abi, abit dies.
[20:42] pendrift: Abi, does the broadcast not work?
[20:42] nicolejleboeuf: It's an abi!
[20:42] jmo: abi's beaming in!
[20:42] pendrift: ah, there!!!
[20:42] kathrynsunnyval: I can see myself
[20:42] keiths: It works!
[20:42] kathrynsunnyval: can you see me?
[20:42] keiths: We see you.
[20:42] jacque: Hi! Got some very bizarre video noise there!!
[20:42] lee: I see you!
[20:42] terry: They have found us, we are SAVED!
[20:42] nicolejleboeuf: Beam us up!
[20:42] terry: It's te jetpacks
[20:43] jacque: Can't hear abi!
[20:43] mark: Still can't hear you. Microphone icon.
[20:43] xopher: I see a micon.
[20:43] terry: abi.. the mic isn't live
[20:43] terry: Cousin it
[20:43] xopher: JMO, why are you smashing your computer?
[20:44] kathrynsunnyval: I don't know who's the funniest -- the people with hair or the people without!
[20:44] terry: That's two years growth
[20:44] lee: I'd go for that.
[20:44] terry: yes
[20:44] keiths: Yes, we can.
[20:44] pendrift: yesssss!
[20:44] jacque: We can haz!!
[20:44] jmo: we can hear you!
[20:44] xopher: Cousin It and the whole family.
[20:44] nicolejleboeuf: We have made audio contact with the abiveldt
[20:44] jacque: Echo echo echo....
[20:44] jacque: AW!!!
[20:44] terry: We were amusing ourselves
[20:44] nicolejleboeuf: well, but don't starve
[20:44] xopher: Thank you, abi.
[20:45] pendrift: If someone figures out how to do it. Hint hint.
[20:45] keiths: Oh dear. Now I have to look good for posterity's sake.
[20:45] lee: Keith, you always look good.
[20:45] jmo: oh good, someone saved a transcript already?
[20:45] xopher: Oh, now I'm GLAD I don't have a camera!
[20:46] kathrynsunnyval: There's a lot of background noise here, so I may not hear everyone
[20:46] xopher: And we'll miss all the spoken word too.
[20:46] terry: ah.. this is being recorded?
[20:46] terry: I did a screencap
[20:46] pendrift: It is? I take back everything I said.
[20:46] kathrynsunnyval: No, verbal input is safe from posterity
[20:46] kathrynsunnyval: (if you trust me...)
[20:46] nicolejleboeuf: whew, that was a close one!
[20:46] jmo: recorded by anyone participating?
[20:46] nicolejleboeuf: (not me!)
[20:46] kathrynsunnyval: I can see the lag in how you all reacted
[20:46] guest-7345 entered the room
[20:46] xopher: We cannot here you Carol.
[20:46] guest-7345 changed nickname to bourbongeek
[20:47] jacque: Now I can hear carol
[20:47] kathrynsunnyval: This makes me wonder if we might want a ML chat channel
[20:47] xopher: Hello BourbonGeek!
[20:47] jacque: Who's burbongeek
[20:47] lee: Pendrift must have turned on the light.
[20:47] kathrynsunnyval: Something we've never really considered
[20:47] nicolejleboeuf: I still don't know who BourbonGeek is - Introduce yourself, mystery guest!
[20:47] jacque: No fair lurking!
[20:47] kathrynsunnyval: (On the other hand, that's kind of what open threads are)
[20:47] jacque: Carol, turn your mic on again!
[20:47] kathrynsunnyval: There's a FINE tradition of lurking!
[20:47] xopher: Hey, BourbonGeek supports us in email!
[20:47] bourbongeek: oh come to the site...just peeking in...
[20:48] pendrift: hahahahaha
[20:48] nicolejleboeuf: Welcome!
[20:48] kathrynsunnyval: Lurking is just fine. Until I nag you into posting.
[20:48] jacque: Hi burgongeek!
[20:48] jmo: in 3.. 2...
[20:48] xopher: Gorgon Beak?
[20:48] pendrift: We'll get bourbongeek to tell us all about booze then.
[20:48] kathrynsunnyval: There isn't really any impediment to posting, of course
[20:48] kathrynsunnyval: Really, don't be shy
[20:48] bourbongeek: hello all
[20:48] kathrynsunnyval: (everyone together now...)
[20:48] kathrynsunnyval: do you write poetry?
[20:48] lee: Hi, Bourbongeek!
[20:48] pendrift: hahahahaha
[20:49] keiths: *snerk*
[20:49] terry: I can geek about boose
[20:49] terry: and booze
[20:49] nicolejleboeuf: And abi with the traditional ML greeting
[20:49] terry: I had some rare rhum last night
[20:49] kathrynsunnyval: absolutely
[20:49] jacque: Not redrum?
[20:49] terry: no
[20:49] jacque: I hear baby
[20:49] kathrynsunnyval: Yes, B Durbin's daughter Joanne
[20:49] terry: Jean Barbancort rum liquer
[20:49] xopher: I was once part of a group whose traditional question was "Do you know all the words...
[20:49] bourbongeek: booze rocks!
[20:49] xopher: Stairway To Heaven?"
[20:50] terry: No, Whisky Rocks. I have two sets of them
[20:50] xopher: Poor Mark had the Day from Hell.
[20:50] terry: so I can chill half a dozen drinks
[20:50] kathrynsunnyval: Well, knowing all the words to "Subdivisions" was one of the major turning points in my...
[20:50] kathrynsunnyval: life...
[20:50] nicolejleboeuf: Knowing all the chords to Subdivisions is next
[20:50] terry: that's a heck of song to know, absent the cues which come of the song playing
[20:50] lee: Unfamiliar with this song. Who's the artist?
[20:50] nicolejleboeuf: Rush
[20:50] terry: RUSH
[20:50] kathrynsunnyval: Rush
[20:51] jmo: used to like playing subdivisions on the first electronic kybd he got
[20:51] xopher: My dad knew all the words to Tom Lehrer's "The Elements." IN ORDER.
[20:51] nicolejleboeuf: It's mostly a lot of F#s on the piano
[20:51] terry: I can get about halfway through the elements
[20:51] lee: I could do The Elements when I was taking voice lessons.
[20:51] kathrynsunnyval: I had a classmate who was set the task of learning the periodic table
[20:51] bourbongeek: but Rye is best...
[20:51] kathrynsunnyval: but the teacher did not specify order
[20:51] pendrift: ack!
[20:51] terry: which is better than I can do with Modern major general
[20:51] xopher: Ooo, scawy!
[20:51] kathrynsunnyval: so yes, lehrer
[20:51] lee: It freaks out the waitress at the dinner theater during Tomfoolery.
[20:51] kathrynsunnyval: :-)
[20:51] pendrift: ah, I can hear the echo now
[20:51] terry: Bourbon, have you tried te Old Portrero ryes?
[20:52] xopher: Echo, echo, Azerak.
[20:52] jacque: What is mark saying?
[20:52] nicolejleboeuf: I am fascinated by the sounsd coming out of mark's webcam square
[20:52] keiths: Modern Major General.
[20:52] nicolejleboeuf: I didn't quite ... oh.
[20:52] lee: And many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse!
[20:52] xopher: He is muttering an incantation.
[20:52] mark: Modern Major General in Elmer Fudd voice
[20:52] kathrynsunnyval: I think I'm going to mute the mike and go back to the meatspace people...
[20:52] kathrynsunnyval: I'll come back later, I promise.
[20:52] terry: "I own a mansion and a yahct"
[20:52] nicolejleboeuf: Enjoy dinner!
[20:52] jmo: thanks for stopping by!
[20:52] xopher: OK, thanks for visiting!
[20:53] kathrynsunnyval: And when the battery is charged we'll bring you back to the table
[20:53] keiths: Enjoy your dinner.
[20:53] xopher: Red Rover, Red Rover!!!!
[20:53] pendrift: bon appétit!
[20:53] jacque: Eat good foods!
[20:53] xopher: Enjoy your dins!
[20:53] pendrift: I'm getting a stiff neck
[20:53] jacque: Ergonomics!
[20:53] pendrift: we must write a sonnet now
[20:53] bourbongeek: yes...but WhistlePig Rye is da bomb!
[20:53] nicolejleboeuf: You first
[20:53] jacque: There was a little computer in Berkeley...
[20:53] pendrift: oh, limericks
[20:54] terry: That's a funny looking sonnet
[20:54] lee: That sounds more like a limerick.
[20:54] xopher: "A bunch of MLers in CA"...wait, that's not a sonnet.
[20:54] terry: more like a cocktail
[20:54] nicolejleboeuf: Yes, that wasn't exactly iambic pentameter
[20:54] xopher: Damn, great minds.
[20:54] jacque: Hey, I don't speak poetry
[20:54] terry: a lime-ricky poem
[20:54] mark: Jacque, the other parlour trick I'm not allowed to do at shows is sing Johnny Jump Up...
[20:54] mark: in Swedish Chef voice.
[20:54] nicolejleboeuf: That's ok, we have translators
[20:54] jacque: Okay, smarty, you pentamualate
[20:54] lee: LOL
[20:54] keiths: lol
[20:54] pendrift: A gath'ring of light in CA
[20:54] nicolejleboeuf: you broke my brain
[20:54] jmo: it's getting late on the east coast.
[20:54] keiths: I'm having a hard time even imagining how that sounds.
[20:54] pendrift: something something and something today
[20:54] terry: My brains been broke for years... for lack of adequte employment
[20:55] jacque: I have to go serve guinea pig dinner. This may be noisy
[20:55] terry: or something
[20:55] jmo: i was assigned moderator when i got here (for being first) but I assume
[20:55] lee: Mark you'd be a hoot at a filk.
[20:55] xopher: I can't brain today. I have the dumb.
[20:55] jmo: the chat won't go away when i sign out?
[20:55] pendrift: There, I got the first two lines to the lim-rick.
[20:55] terry: that's what it looked like
[20:55] pendrift: ooh, piggy.
[20:55] keiths: Piggy!
[20:55] bourbongeek: Whose video was all hurky jerky
[20:55] terry: I've had guinea pig, when I was in Ecuador
[20:55] jacque: Terry....!
[20:56] xopher: PIGGEH!
[20:56] lee: BG, that's the one at the restaurant. They're moving the computer.
[20:56] terry: I've had lots of things
[20:56] jmo: You know, "Kathryn from Sunnyvale" fits perfectly into a double-dactyl
[20:56] terry: if it's on the menu, I am likely to try it
[20:56] xopher: (seductively) I bet you have!
[20:56] terry: yes, nicole is frozen
[20:57] xopher: Oh noes!
[20:57] pendrift: poetry and 5 a.m. - not compatible.
[20:57] terry: Piggie are so cute
[20:57] terry: bounce the box?
[20:57] pendrift: Reload the page, maybe?
[20:57] guest-7519 entered the room
[20:57] jmo: 'night all!
[20:57] guest-7519 changed nickname to nicolejleboeuf
[20:57] keiths: Good night, jmo.
[20:58] pendrift: 'night!!
[20:58] xopher: "At Breads of In-di-a, MLers met"
[20:58] lee: G'night. John.
[20:58] lee: With an echo!
[20:59] pendrift: In SF bay did Making Light a stately gathering decree
[20:59] xopher: "To celebrate the visit from afar"
[20:59] bourbongeek: brrrrr
[20:59] jacque: Hi kathryn!
[20:59] nicolejleboeuf: Hi Kathryn!
[20:59] jacque: Oops. Bye
[21:00] terry: The room is spinning
[21:00] keiths: We appear to be back at the table.
[21:00] pendrift: It's that vortex again.
[21:00] terry: it seems the party in Oakland is getting out of control
[21:00] terry: That's what I recommended
[21:00] nicolejleboeuf: oh, sorry - missed that
[21:00] nicolejleboeuf: was trying to find the driver to restart it, but can't seem to
[21:00] jacque: That's a teeeny bebeh
[21:00] terry: "bounce the box
[21:00] terry: = reboot
[21:00] pendrift: May we have names these time around, please?
[21:01] xopher: Bebbeh!
[21:01] nicolejleboeuf: Ah. I thought you meant the window. :-P
[21:01] pendrift: I missed the who's who
[21:01] xopher: No sound, Kathryn.
[21:01] jacque: Now tell me again who the gent with the lovely salt&pepper beard is?
[21:01] nicolejleboeuf: I won't bounce until after this go-round - don't want to miss it
[21:01] terry: The chat will remain
[21:02] keiths: I don't think Kathryn can see us typing. Can someone with a microphone ask her to turn
[21:02] keiths: the mic on?
[21:02] bourbongeek: awwwwww.
[21:02] jacque: Yo RESTAURANT!!
[21:02] xopher: "Of abi, late arrived on stately jet,"
[21:02] pendrift: I don't think they can hear us
[21:02] nicolejleboeuf: /me waves
[21:02] nicolejleboeuf: will log in again shortly
[21:03] nicolejleboeuf: happy eats Mark
[21:03] jacque: Good meeting you, Mark!!
[21:03] pendrift: ah, here we go.. I think
[21:03] pendrift: yes we can
[21:03] jacque: Hi! Yes, we can hear you, Kathryn
[21:03] keiths: We can hear you.
[21:03] xopher: I hear you Kathryn.
[21:04] jacque: Okay, more guinea pig dinner
[21:04] pendrift: we want names!!
[21:04] pendrift: but we can hear you!
[21:05] terry: the clitoral stimulation trainer
[21:05] jacque: nipples? NIPPLES!!
[21:05] jacque: tim walters
[21:05] pendrift: hello, Tim!
[21:05] jacque: Say again?
[21:05] jacque: Type it, please?
[21:05] keiths: (Jacque: the trackpoint thingy.)
[21:06] jacque: I thought this was a family show
[21:06] terry: it is
[21:06] terry: we are just naming parts
[21:06] guest-7675 entered the room
[21:06] terry: parnoid linus
[21:06] guest-7675 changed nickname to danhoey
[21:06] jacque: Teknolegies.
[21:06] terry: linux
[21:06] jacque: Danhoey! Hi!!!
[21:06] lee: Hi, Dan!
[21:06] pendrift: wow!
[21:06] pendrift: and hi Danhoey!
[21:07] xopher: Hi Dan!
[21:07] keiths: Hi, Dan.
[21:07] guest-7686 entered the room
[21:07] jacque: Say, Hi restaurant!
[21:07] jacque: We're mostly not talking
[21:07] terry: None of us is talking
[21:07] danhoey: Hi all. Good to see you, those I can see.
[21:07] guest-7686 changed nickname to nicolejleboeuf
[21:07] xopher: Hi, Restaurant!
[21:07] nicolejleboeuf: hullo all
[21:07] keiths: Welcome back, Nicole.
[21:07] jacque: Nikki's back!
[21:07] xopher: WB Nicole!
[21:08] keiths: I think it's probably rather noisy in the restaurant.
[21:08] jacque: O noes!!
[21:08] nicolejleboeuf: My screen's blank because my webcam appears to have died
[21:08] keiths: Aww.
[21:08] danhoey: There's an echo in here.
[21:08] terry: :(
[21:08] nicolejleboeuf: Yah, I think I need to reinstall the driver.
[21:08] pendrift: oh noes
[21:08] nicolejleboeuf: Or get some tech support.
[21:08] bourbongeek: theres an echo here...
[21:08] jacque: NIkki did you restart your computer?
[21:08] xopher: IT'S DAWWWK in HERE
[21:09] xopher: I farted but you can't hear me.
[21:09] keiths: Vuvuzelas, anyone?
[21:09] lee: Ghod, no!
[21:09] nicolejleboeuf: I did restart my computer. The webcam did not resurrect.
[21:09] pendrift: I'm even happier we didn't smell it, xopher
[21:09] xopher: Excuse me Pendrift MY farts do NOT smell!
[21:09] xopher: Or so my many sycophants tell me.
[21:10] jacque: Poor xopher. Nobody can see him...
[21:10] nicolejleboeuf: ...sorry y'all
[21:10] mark: Melting the Stilton, melting the Stilton, won't you come melting the Stilton with me...
[21:10] xopher: Yes, I didn't expect volunteers for the test.
[21:10] xopher: Mark is back?
[21:10] nicolejleboeuf: the noise was me... when I restarted. the jupiter tab came back up.
[21:10] nicolejleboeuf: Blame youtube!
[21:10] jacque: Okay, more guinea dinner
[21:10] mark: Mark is half back
[21:10] guest-7779 entered the room
[21:11] bourbongeek: Who's full back?
[21:11] guest-7779 changed nickname to kathrynsunnyval
[21:11] pendrift: Mark is back?
[21:11] terry: Oh, now it's sports is it?
[21:11] keiths: Nicole: Does Flash know it's ok to use the webcam after you restarted?
[21:11] pendrift: our numbers are dropping
[21:11] xopher: "And of all moderators still the star."
[21:11] mark: My bread and cheese are toasting, so I'm not getting on camera yet
[21:11] nicolejleboeuf: I don't know - but I don't think flash is the culprit.
[21:11] terry: Kathryn is back
[21:11] xopher: Anyone going to help with the sonnet?
[21:11] kathrynsunnyval: no, i have to set it manually
[21:11] keiths: I'd love to, but I can't sonnet my way out of a wet paper bag.
[21:11] nicolejleboeuf: When I came back up, I pulled up the webcam interface... thing... and it said, no device a
[21:11] pendrift: While we are gazing at them from afar
[21:11] nicolejleboeuf: attached
[21:11] xopher: Your image is frozen, Kathryn.
[21:12] bourbongeek: brrrrr...all this freezing is making me chilly
[21:12] lee: Future imperfect.
[21:12] danhoey: It melted again
[21:12] xopher: Pendrift, so far I have...
[21:12] kathrynsunnyval: not for me
[21:12] xopher: At Breads of In-di-a, MLers met
[21:12] xopher: To celebrate the visit from afar
[21:12] xopher: Of abi, late arrived on stately jet,
[21:12] xopher: And of all moderators still the star.
[21:13] pendrift: While 'round the world the Fluorosphere logged on
[21:13] pendrift: to join the celebrations of the day
[21:13] pendrift: (I'm stuck)
[21:14] lee: I have half a line, but I'm having trouble getting to that rhyme.
[21:15] mark: The living future to reflect upon
[21:15] xopher: Mark! Bingo.
[21:15] mark: In language, shared repast and gentle play
[21:15] pendrift: Woot!
[21:15] lee: With puns and jokes and other foofaray.
[21:16] lee: Mayk, you line is better.
[21:16] pendrift: Is someone writing this down?
[21:16] xopher: m
[21:16] xopher: Sorry. I'm writing it down.
[21:17] xopher: My input line went wonky for a bit there.
[21:17] xopher: At Breads of In-di-a, MLers met
[21:17] lee: Ack. This is why I don't do chat. I NEED that backspace key.
[21:17] xopher: To celebrate the visit from afar
[21:17] xopher: Of abi, late arrived on stately jet,
[21:17] xopher: And of all moderators still the star.
[21:17] kathrynsunnyval: so, my battery is being weird, so we'll have a round of hellos and goodbyes from here...
[21:17] xopher: While 'round the world the Fluorosphere logged on
[21:18] xopher: to join the celebrations of the day
[21:18] xopher: The living future to reflect upon
[21:18] xopher: In language, shared repast and gentle play.
[21:18] nicolejleboeuf: wow, what an echo!
[21:18] xopher: Folks, we have an octet. Now we need a sestet.
[21:18] pendrift: names!!
[21:18] jacque: X, so sest it already
[21:19] pendrift: Looks like we'll need a photo with captions!!
[21:19] jacque: marcus?
[21:19] jacque: doug pink?
[21:19] pendrift: serge!
[21:19] lee: Hi, Serge!
[21:20] pendrift: Good night!
[21:20] keiths: Good night, everyone in SF!
[21:20] pendrift: I'm going to grab some more shut-eye now
[21:21] keiths: Good night, Pendrift.
[21:21] kathrynsunnyval: goodnight! sleep well
[21:21] terry: Good night Pendrift
[21:21] lee: G'night, Pendrift!
[21:21] nicolejleboeuf: Night-night
[21:21] keiths: Or morning, as the case may be.
[21:21] danhoey: Good night
[21:21] pendrift: Great seeing everyone! Bye! We want pictures!
[21:21] xopher: Good night Pendrift!
[21:21] mark: Sweet dreams
[21:21] nicolejleboeuf: Bye!
[21:21] pendrift: Thanks. and bon appétit to the guinea pigs!
[21:22] guest-7974 entered the room
[21:22] terry: I have a marna nightingale the phone
[21:22] keiths: Hello, Marna!
[21:22] lee: Hi, Marna!
[21:23] nicolejleboeuf: Hi Marna!
[21:23] xopher: *A* Marna Nightingale? How COULD there be more than one?! :-)
[21:23] xopher: HELLO!
[21:23] guest-7974 changed nickname to kathrynsunnyval
[21:24] mark: Well kids...that thing I hit? Back there? That was the wall.
[21:24] nicolejleboeuf: oh no!
[21:24] xopher: Yeah, kinda figured.
[21:24] jacque: Thud
[21:24] mark: Big bada boom.
[21:24] xopher: Pretty much knocked you out, it looked like.
[21:25] mark: I think I got about 3 hours solid sleep last night, between teaching an evening class and
[21:25] mark: teaching a full day today.
[21:25] jacque: Well I'm delighted to have met you all!!!
[21:25] terry: I think it's a wrap
[21:25] xopher: Not EVreybody.
[21:25] nicolejleboeuf: Good night all! Thanks for the fun!
[21:25] xopher: :-)
[21:25] jacque: I'll copy the transcript up to my web page
[21:25] lee: It's been fun.
[21:25] xopher: Good night!
[21:25] keiths: Nice meeting everyone.
[21:25] jacque: G'night, all!!
[21:25] nicolejleboeuf: /e waves to everyone, webcam or no
[21:26] mark: It's an authentic tortilla even.
[21:26] xopher: I'll post the sonnet.
[21:26] danhoey: Good to see those of you that I see
[21:26] terry: Marna had 11 acresof Great Big Sea fans
[21:26] carolwitt: Speaking of having people on the phone, my husband should be calling soon, so I should go.
[21:26] keiths: /me waves.
[21:26] jacque: Bye kieths!
[21:26] terry: it was a great show, or so they all said
[21:26] terry: I am slightly envious
[21:26] danhoey: Bye all
[21:26] carolwitt: GBS is always great!
[21:26] keiths: Good night, all.
[21:26] terry: 50 thousand peiople
[21:26] jacque: Ooh Drugs!
[21:26] lee: G'night, everyone. Catch you on the blog.
[21:26] terry: and I think I shall go to bed too
[21:26] jacque: 50 K?
[21:27] terry: so they said
[21:27] mark: G'night personae. Be good, sleep well
![]() Last gasps. |
[21:27] terry: BluesFest, ottawa
[21:27] terry: 11 acres of people
[21:27] jacque: Sleep well Mark
[21:27] jacque: 11 acres of people, wow.
[21:27] terry: and they were between thenm and the stage
[21:28] terry: and now I go
[21:28] terry: the Eyes are HERE
![]() |
[21:28] terry: :)
[21:28] carolwitt: Goodnight!