Clearing the Decks at The New Guinea Pig Palace

The folks over at Community Cycles have a really sweet deal whereby members can borrow their large, flat-bed bike trailers. Cleaning around here tends to be a Project, Since I'm generally too lazy to get the litter to Ecocycle on a timely basis, this service is a life-saver. (Oh yeah, and with regard to the photos below: Please note: I Am Not A Photographer.)

Breakfast! (l-r: Silkie, Gustav, Rabbit, Ozzie, Sunni, Glory)

Nom! Fox (far right) joins the crowd.
Folx not shown: Tiny, Snowflake, Bobbie, Yeti, Woofie, Donkey, and JJ.

The New Guinea Pig Palace
(West Wing)
This represents about a quarter of our total housing.

Loaded up.
(Each bag is a week's worth of, um, "output.")

From the other side.

—6 June 2010

Oh yes, and: seen at my local bike shop.

—5 July 2010

Creative Commons License Cleaning at the New Guinea Pig Palace by Jacque Marshall is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Based on a work at
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